Thursday, May 30, 2013

Two weeks left. . . and making more summer plans

Wednesday - I got a good ride in between the rains  30.6 miles in 2 hours and 42 minutes.  Down the MKT Trail to McBaine then back to Columbia, then back down the MKT trail to Perche Creek.  They closed the trail from Perche Creek to McBaine, but only posted it on the side I wasn't on - so I only went through and returned once.  That was twice too many.  All the heavy rains had washed away the chat on top and left the big rocks below AND in another place left a mud/sludge puddle.  So around a corner right into the mud, up the back, splattered on the front, and into the hair, then over the rocks.

Thursday - I snuck in a quick 5.3 miles in Sturgeon between rain storms.   I hope to be able to do the same tomorrow.  I'm making plans for a couple of big rides next week - the weather is supposed to be perfect 70's and no rain!

Other vacation plans are being made too.   After the bike ride check out the blog again just after the 4th of July and then again at the beginning of August!

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