Sunday, June 9, 2013

Rough Week for Training

It's been a rough week for training.  Hopefully, this is a good sign like in theatre.  If the dress rehearsal was bad, opening night would be wonderful.

Last Sunday, I had ridden to Centralia and ridden 40 miles on Monday.

Tuesday 6/4  - 25.5 in 2 hours 16 minutes to Centralia, around town and back to the church in Sturgeon.

Wednesday 6/5 - Trying to beat the incoming rain -- AGAIN! 19.8 miles 1 hour and 40 minutes
to Centralia, around town and back to the church in Sturgeon.

I was trying to get in 250-300 miles, after four days I had done 105 miles, but was struck with a sore ITB (that's not a picture of my knee!)   so I knocked off the training a LOT. 
No biking, just rest and stretching the knee on Thursday.  It was significantly better on Friday, but I still wanted to take it easy and test it carefully.

Friday 6/7  I rode around Moberly, 8.8 miles in 48 minutes.

Saturday 6/8 I was able to ride back to Centralia and around town again  22.1 miles in 1 hour 58 minutes.

I'm taking a couple more days off, Sunday and Monday, to allow the ITB to finish healing, and it's raining again! I leave for the ride one week from today!


Monday, June 3, 2013

June 1 - On my rain free Saturday --  10.1 miles 55 minutes just in and around Sturgeon.  I needed to get back for a family reunion.  In the month, (May 1 to June 1) I have been able to train -- I have ridden 306.4 miles.  That seems like a lot until you realize that I'll ride 253 miles in 5 days. 

Two weeks from today, I check in for the big ride.  I rode to Centralia and back 20.5 miles in 1 hour and 48 minutes before church.

The weather was supposed to be nice, I found a way to get dropped off --everything was supposed to be terrific.  Then the river rose, so no biking the trail until it recedes.  So I had to come up with another way to get safely get some long distance riding in.  I got in 40 miles in 3 hours and 20 minutes.  The route is pictured above -- then I retraced my route, and finished riding around in Sturgeon.