Thursday, May 30, 2013

Two weeks left. . . and making more summer plans

Wednesday - I got a good ride in between the rains  30.6 miles in 2 hours and 42 minutes.  Down the MKT Trail to McBaine then back to Columbia, then back down the MKT trail to Perche Creek.  They closed the trail from Perche Creek to McBaine, but only posted it on the side I wasn't on - so I only went through and returned once.  That was twice too many.  All the heavy rains had washed away the chat on top and left the big rocks below AND in another place left a mud/sludge puddle.  So around a corner right into the mud, up the back, splattered on the front, and into the hair, then over the rocks.

Thursday - I snuck in a quick 5.3 miles in Sturgeon between rain storms.   I hope to be able to do the same tomorrow.  I'm making plans for a couple of big rides next week - the weather is supposed to be perfect 70's and no rain!

Other vacation plans are being made too.   After the bike ride check out the blog again just after the 4th of July and then again at the beginning of August!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

SCHOOL'S OUT! Three weeks left to train

Friday - Today's the first day of summer vacation from school.  I was up even earlier than I would have been had I been going to school.  I was on the bike before 6 - and rode this route

21 miles in 1 hour and 43 minutes.  I am hoping to get another training ride in before it rains tomorrow morning.  Riding in the morning is MUCH easier, though it was VERY cold 46 degrees this morning when I left.

Saturday - I left a little later than yesterday, hoping it would warm a little.  Instead I got a head wind going,  and had to call for a pick up on the way back due to the thunder and lightening. I ride the route going and coming back.  I got to Centralia, but had to stop at the little red star.
Instead of getting in 30 miles before we go to the movie with friends - I got 16 miles in 1 hour and 28 minutes.  Tomorrow is a new day to try to training again.  I'm hoping the weather clears - forecast is for rain today, tomorrow and Monday.

It rained!
Sunday it rained!
Monday it rained!
 A little over six inches at home in the past couple of days.

Tuesday - I rode around Centralia today in the sprinkles anyway.  12.3 miles in 1 hour and 12 minutes.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Training Weekend 4 weeks left

With only 4 weeks left, I really need to train.  School gets out in 4 days so I can spend more and more time on the bike.

Yesterday I rode around town, with rain threatening the whole time so I rode 7.6 miles in 40 minutes.

Here's Saturday's plan -
I rode from Sturgeon Baptist Church to the Centralia city square, back and then around Sturgeon for a while.  26.5 miles in 2 hours and 10 minutes.

Sunday's plan-

The  MKT Trail starts near campus and runs to the Katy Trail near McBaine. I started in McBaine, went to Columbia, back to McBaine then back to Columbia 26.7 miles in 2 hours and 19 minutes. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

I'm getting some training in. .

Saturday - Inside 10 miles - Inside training again because it's 36 degrees and raining -- again.  Will spring every arrive?
Sunday -- OFF
Monday Outside 10.2 miles, in 48 minutes around Sturgeon
Tuesday Outside 11.3 miles in 53 minutes around Sturgeon
Wednesday 12.4 miles in 64 minutes on the MKT  Trail Columbia
Thursday  - Off rain and cold
Friday - Off

Saturday -- I was dropped off in Booneville at 11:15 rode 38 miles to Hartsburg in 3 hours and 13 minutes!  I thought it would take much longer.  Most of the ride was into a 15 mph headwind.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Real training under way now.
Sunday - On the Katy Trail - 25.5 miles in 2.5 hours.  I was dropped off at Rocheport and picked up at Pilot Grove.

We also made some training plans for a couple of weeks from now.  If the weather finally starts to improve.

Monday - In the house 19 minutes 5 miles and outside 41 minutes and 7.5 miles
Tuesday - Outside  67 minutes 13.1 miles
Wednesday Outside 45 minutes 8.0 miles