Saturday, May 25, 2013

SCHOOL'S OUT! Three weeks left to train

Friday - Today's the first day of summer vacation from school.  I was up even earlier than I would have been had I been going to school.  I was on the bike before 6 - and rode this route

21 miles in 1 hour and 43 minutes.  I am hoping to get another training ride in before it rains tomorrow morning.  Riding in the morning is MUCH easier, though it was VERY cold 46 degrees this morning when I left.

Saturday - I left a little later than yesterday, hoping it would warm a little.  Instead I got a head wind going,  and had to call for a pick up on the way back due to the thunder and lightening. I ride the route going and coming back.  I got to Centralia, but had to stop at the little red star.
Instead of getting in 30 miles before we go to the movie with friends - I got 16 miles in 1 hour and 28 minutes.  Tomorrow is a new day to try to training again.  I'm hoping the weather clears - forecast is for rain today, tomorrow and Monday.

It rained!
Sunday it rained!
Monday it rained!
 A little over six inches at home in the past couple of days.

Tuesday - I rode around Centralia today in the sprinkles anyway.  12.3 miles in 1 hour and 12 minutes.

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